Cotton Country AnglicanMay this Advent bring forth a season of renewal and refreshment for all of our souls.
May this Advent bring the beginning of a new space within the Anglican vineyard where orthodox Anglican Episcopalians who find themselves no longer able to joyously practice the faith delivered once to the saints for all within the structure of The Episcopal Church (USA) can find rest and peace.
May this Advent also bring peace and rest to Anglican Episcopalians that believe they have received a new understanding of God's plan for his earthly kingdom and who currently lead the Anglican province known as The Episcopal Church (USA). May they be content to practice the faith as they perceive it within the existing structure of The Episcopal Church (USA) independently from their orthodox Anglican brothers and sisters and may they focus on "heavenly things" and not seek to retain unto themselves the properties, buildings, furnishings, monies and other "earthly things" with which their orthodox brothers and sisters have practiced their faith to the glory of Almighty God.
May this Advent bring an understanding to all Anglicans, and to all Christians, that only in God's time will his true plan be revealed to us in a universal sense, and that until such time as God chooses to fully and universally reveal his plan, that we strive to give each other such space as is necessary to enable each of our brothers and sisters to fulfill Christ's commanded mission to his church: to make disciples of men and to strive for unity in our worship of our Triune God.
As we approach Advent 2008, let us joyfully entreat: Come Lord Jesus, Come!