Kerry, at A Ten O’Clock Scholar, a fellow Anglican and homeschooling mom has honored me with my very first blog award! Please stop by and visit her blog. She is a gifted blogger!
The rules that go with this award:
Put the logo on your blog
Link to the person you received your award from
Nominate at least 7 other blogs
Put links to those blogs on your site
Leave messages on the blogs you’ve nominated
I would like to bless some of my Swappie friends with this award:
You will find my cybertwin, Amy, at A Redeemed Sheep. Amy is another homeschooling mom who writes about life, her family and her love for the Lord.
Marilyn, at A Mixed Bouquet, another homeschooling mom, blogs about life on the farm and her family. She is raising a son with special needs and is always an inspiration. She also has a recipe blog.
Laurie, at For Heaven’s Sake, homeschools her son with Down syndrome. Nevin is older than my R and I’ve watched him grow from a boy to a young man. She has freely shared her journey over at The Swap for many years and I have learned so much from her.
Renna, at Finding My Knitch, is a retired Swappie mama – her children have grown up and graduated. Renna blogs about all the things I am going to enjoy when I retire – hobbies, nature, food and, of course, family life!
Kelly, at Grey-Haired Geek, is another homeschooling mom and fellow Swappie. She has an adorable young son with Down syndrome and has written a beautiful poem you must read about life with Joshua!
I would also like to bless a new friend and gifted writer, Karen, at Top Shelf Ink. If you visit her blog you will see her beautiful Anglican prayer beads (which she made all by herself) and a post on contemplative prayer! I treasure our discussions and owe her a note!
Barbara Frank is a veteran homeschooler and homeschooling author. She has a new book out - The Imperfect Homeschooler's Guide to Homeschooling. Barbara also homeschools her son with Down syndrome. I hope to get to visit her in real life soon!
And last, but not least, another fellow homeschooling mom, Mrs. Darling, blogs at Dishpan Dribble. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy her beautiful blog and many insights. She also has several other blogs that can be found here, here and here
Again, many thanks Kerry!