We've been busy enjoying family life since Deacon Daddy graduated from seminary. The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Baily Circus was recently in town were and we were
Circus Celebrities!

We had front row, center-ring seats. Circus celebrities get to ride around the floor for several acts and schmooze with the ringmaster.

R's favorite acts -- anything up in the air...

and the clowns!

It did take some time for R to get used to the noise level. The circus is so loud! Many children with Down syndrome (Ds) have sensory issues and Miss R does not enjoy loud events - even at 14. Today her sensory issues are so much better than when she was younger. During her early years it was impossible to take her to a movie - now she enjoys them. She watches TV with the sound low. Its only when she listens to CDs or her own personal DVD player with headphones does she listen with the volume up. I've always been very grateful that R has no hearing issues like many children with Ds. In fact, she hears better than her typically developing sister with selective hearing!
Poor K was not able to attend the circus with us. She was off to a
Happening weekend - her fourth I think. She loves the Happening experience and is committed to being involved for as long as she can.
I had not heard of Happening until becoming Anglican. Happening is a weekend where participants (usually teens but adults can also participate) experience the love of our Lord as shown through the sacraments and the ministry of fellow students, clergy, and lay adults. Those who attend Happening are encouraged to take their faith back into the world to make a friend, be a friend, and introduce a friend to Christ. For those of the Roman Catholic tradition is is similar to
Teens Encounter Christ.