Yes, those are my girls in the front row of the coaster - the best seat for every coaster they ride and they rode them all! We ran from coaster to coaster from the time they let us in until our energy was zapped. At one point, we stopped to admire a really cool looking t-shirt and R got a little upset with us -- "Focus people, we've got coasters to ride."
I am not a coaster person but I do love to watch my family have fun. This is my kind of ride...and I don't tolerated it very well now that I am getting on in years:
When we first started going to Cedar Point, it was very difficult for me to let Miss R ride the big coasters. I was very worried about her safety and the level of difficulty some rides have for securing the rider. Well, let me tell you she has absolutely no problem securing herself and I am no longer anxious when she runs off to get in line. Coasters are another opportunity to promote independence!
Ride on!
Looks like a lot of fun! Do you worry about her neck, or does she not have the instability issue? I need to have Josh looked at again as he's complained about his neck lately.
It was a blast! Reagan has been screened and thankfully does not have AI.
Praying that Josh doesn't have AI either!
I need to find a good doctor once we move so I can have him checked out......miss your posts. Hope you're having an awesome summer :)
When are you moving?
Our summer has been quite hectic and no improvement seen for the immediate future :-) Hubby will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests in 2 weeks and family will soon start flying in soon. Perhaps I can get a post in about church camp -- awesome this year!
So many exciting things going on! I pray to one day see my little man riding coasters! Tell K congratulations! What an honor for her (and her proud parents).
Yes, it has been truly exciting around here. I have much to post about and no time to do it!
One thing I've learned on this journey with Down syndrome is to take advantage of all the opportunities available - they are all learning opportunities that grow us and our children. Our fears and desire to protect our children can be their greatest limitations :-)
So, I hope your little man loves coasters too and lives life to the fullest!!!
I went to Cedar Point every summer for years with the marching band!! Fun to see the pics.
Would love to hear more about your husband's ordination! What's been going on since?
Jeanne -- Frank was ordained last weekend!!! I still have one house guest and then hopefully I can post about it. I've got some awesome pictures!
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