Now that our guests have all gone home after hubby's ordination, I hope to catch up with my blogging. The summer is flying by and it has been packed with once in a life time events.
I've hardly seen Kiera this summer. Between social activities, babysitting (her summer job),
Happening, Church Camp,
St. Michael's Conference, and the
ACNA Asssembly I only get bits and pieces of time with her. She has made lots of memories this summer!
Here are a few pictures of Kiera with some old and new friends at the ACNA Assembly:

She's been invited to Kenya to visit Archbishop and Mrs. Nzimbi.

Here she is with Archbishop Robert Duncan of the ACNA.

And with an old, dear friend, Bishop Ackerman, retired Bishop of Quincy.
Her days were filled with duties as the youth delegate from our diocese. Evenings were filled with worship and fun with the
youth attending the Assembly.
These are very exciting times - filled with hope for our young orthodox Anglicans. I hope and pray for my children (and future grandchildren) a place to worship, safe from the rampant heresy and secular humanism found in the post-modern culture that exists today. Kiera has had the opportunity to be a part of history in the making as the Anglican Church in North America seeks its place in the world-wide
Anglican Communion. What a bright future awaits her and all those young people she met at the Assembly...young people who are on fire for the Lord and seek to bring others to Christ!