Monday, June 20, 2011

Ministry Alongside People with Special Needs

As I noted earlier (and the reason you have not seen many blog posts), I have been working on a new ministry in our diocese. In an effort to communicate what I feel God is calling us to do, I've created this PowerPoint presentation:

Our diocese is very small and is comprised primarily of rural churches - probably where there is the most need in including people with special needs into congregational life. This will be a ministry that is focused on the individual and their family, one family at a time.

If you are stopping by, I would love your feedback.

Does your church do a good job in including individuals, adults and children? I would love to hear your story!



Go get 'em, Amy! Wonderful presentation!!! PLEASE update us to let us know the response to it.

Amy said...

Thanks Barb for looking at it. I so appreciate your feedback! I'll give my first presentation in September.

Jolene Philo said...

The presentation shares a great deal of information very concisely. Good job! If the presentation is a hit, you might want to call in Key Ministry to do some training. They are non-denominational, knowledgeable, easy to work with, and provide all their workshop free of charge.


Amy said...

Thank you so much Jolene!

Key Ministry has graciously offered to help. I am so excited about moving forward with this ministry. I know I'll be asking for prayer as the bid day approaches!

Mama to Eight said...

When we first moved to this area 11 years ago, the church we chose had a Special Ed Sunday School. B was too little and stayed with me in the nursing room. I really don't have any comment on the class. I think it met a need and at least they were trying something!

Now that B-11 and E-8 (both have Down syndrome) are old enough for Sunday school, I'm not sure there is anyone in the class rooms that knows how to work my children!

We have always be directly involved with their Awana club, until last year, when B had the most wonderful Awana leader! Now E is also in her group. I am so happy, but their leader has chosen to go to a smaller church...

I'm wondering when we will feel comfortable enough to leave B and E in any class without a family member.

Thank you for what you had to say in your Power Point! You did an excellent job! Now to pass that on. I agree on People First language, but better yet, USE THEIR NAMES!

Amy said...


Thanks for stopping by!

Sometimes it is a tough to find a way for our children to be included in regular Sunday School classrooms. Is your church sensitive to your family's needs?

I do know how hard it is to leave our children in the hands of strangers with little or no training. Are you willing to train them? I really think that these are steps which will eventually allow our children to be as independent as possible.

Reagan has reached a stage where she exerts as much independence as she can :-) For example, at church and the social hour that follows she sits with friends. All that she does independently, she takes great pride in doing. She is 17 and wants what most 17 year-olds want - to grow in independence.

I have something in my files that I used to give to those who would be supervising Reagan independently when she was younger. Let me see if I can find it!