Monday, October 24, 2011

The Road Less Traveled...

Even as homeschooling becomes more mainstream, people are shocked when I tell them I homeschool Reagan, my almost 17 y.o. with Down syndrome.  Most really have a hard time understanding how a mom can educate their child with significant special needs.  They have a hard time understanding why I would even contemplate taking on the task!

I have always tried to make decisions for my children based on their best interests.  Homeschooling was/is the best choice for them. Period.

I know longer defend our choice nor bother to explain it unless someone has a sincere interest.

The less traveled homeschooling road has had some challenges but as we look to the end of the road I only see great joy and beauty in what we have accomplished.  The interesting thing is others see it too...

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Celestial Charms said...

Hi Amy,
Same here. I no longer dwell on explainations as to why I choose to homeschool my children. Most people who ask, already think it is crazy, so I ask myself why bother answering. I now just say, "oh, there are a hundred reasons, I wish I had the time to tell you them all." Then I say, "No matter what the reasons, it works for us." I was the first in my entire set of family/friends/aquantances to homeschool. So it was difficult at first for even me to adjust to it. I commend you for specifically homeschooling your special needs daughter, as you would be the expert as to what she actually needs. I look at that, as the perfect fit.
My children ages 10 and 8, have never known anything but homeschooling, and that makes me smile!

Tonya said...

yes, and the thing about it is...people see how well adjusted my child is and say "she should be in school- she is so smart". Hello? She is in school. Homeschool is a school.

And when I did put her in school, her teacher said that it was not the best place for her.

I love this post. Thank you for sharinig.

Amy said...

Thank you ladies for your encouragement!

Homeschooling has been the best thing that could ever happened to us. I really shudder to think how different my girls would be if we had not taken the road less traveled...