Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wise Words

As I journey on this road less traveled, I often recall these wise words of a fellow traveler:

"As parents, we trust that the Lord will provide all that is needed for His (our) children to fulfill His mission for them while on earth."

We trust He will provide for our typically developing children and, perhaps more so, for our children with special needs.

These words bring immense comfort to me as I consider my daughter's present path and future.  I trust He will put all we need in our path so that Reagan's ministry on earth will be according to His will.

I have seen the Lord's work in me and my work in helping Reagan overcome obstacles in learning. He travels this path with me.  He places before me all that I need and more.  I trust He is at work in her and for her.

I know her heart.  It projects love.  Love for the Lord, love for her family and love for all she touches.

I am fascinated by her mind and how she thinks.  The questions she asks are thoughtful.  Her assessment of situations is often right on track.

Does she know everything that other 17 year-olds know?  Absolutely not.

Academic knowledge does not define her.

Reagan does know relationships better than any other person I know.  She gives and receives.  She is transparent and without inhibition in sharing herself.  She knows anger but harbors no grudges.  Her forgiveness of the transgressions of others is genuine and immediate.  She knows sadness which makes her highly sensitive to it in others.

Reagan's relationships define her.  Her relationships with God and humanity. I am saddened by those who have eyes that cannot see.  Eyes which do not value her and others with Down syndrome.

Somehow I doubt that St. Peter checks IQs at the gates of heaven.  God does not care about how smart we are.  He does care about how we love Him and each other.

So, let us learn from Reagan.  Learn how to love and forgive like she does.

Let us walk in love and forgiveness for a taste of heaven on earth and joy in the journey.


Anna said...

Very beautiful and perfect post. I will be "following" your journey.

Amy said...

Thank you Anna! I'll be visiting you today!

Unknown said...

nice blog nice post
Wise Words SMS