Wednesday, July 13, 2011

About That Invitation...

Yesterday, I invited the Church to walk alongside us in faith and love - to join us and include us in community. You might think I am speaking about the institution when I speak of the Church. In a small way I am speaking to the leadership - the clergy, the elders, the vestries, the organizational entity that meets to make the rules, set policy and procedures, and make mission statements. The decision makers have a vision but it is up to you and me, THE Church, to make the changes to bring the Gospel to all - including those with special needs.

Sometimes, those in leadership need to be enlightened as to what might be missing from the Body of Christ. If you are reading this, you are becoming increasingly aware of what is missing - which requires action on your part. Awareness should breed that response. Please take it to the leadership and hopefully, they will consider it, pray about it and respond to the needs of individuals with special needs. Their souls, like ours are crying out for something more than what is here on our earthly journey.

They want to know Christ.

They are in need of God's saving grace.

They need to grow spiritually.

They long for fellowship with others and be a part of the community of the faithful.

They want to share their gifts and talents

I am talking to you. I invited you to walk alongside us. You are the Church - empowered by the Holy Spirit. You are an essential part of the Body of Christ. It is up to you to see that God's will is done in bringing individuals with special needs into our faith communities. It is imperative that what is missing in our faith communities - individuals with special needs - so that the Body of Christ is whole.

Perhaps when the Body of Christ is whole, the Church will be unified!

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