Saturday, March 3, 2012

It's A Wonderful Life

Remember the movie called It’s a Wonderful Life with James Stewart and Donna Reed?  Our Christmas season is incomplete without at least one viewing of this film.  After a series of unfortunate events the lead character, George Bailey, contemplates suicide, thinking his loved ones would be better off if he were dead.  Prayers from concerned friends and family storm heaven.  An angel, Clarence, is sent to earth to intervene. Clarence lets George look at life in his home town, Bedford Falls,  to see what life would look like if he had never existed.    The town is drastically different without George.  It becomes a place where hardship is rampant, filled with people who lack compassion - a place that knows no joy.  George comes to realize that his life is worthwhile and valuable despite the trials he faces, and George returns filled with renewed zeal and love for his life. 

 I cry every time I see this movie.

Approximately ninety-two percent of expectant parents given a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome chose termination over life with Down syndrome. The reality is that they will never have the opportunity to know what they are missing. They will never know the joy that I know as I do with Reagan, my daughter with Down syndrome.  Their family and friends will never know what they have missed.

I don’t want to think about what life would be like without Reagan.  Just expressing the thought brings tears to my eyes.  I remember what life was like before Reagan and what I know now.

I live a marvelous love story.  I have a wonderful life! 

 I live in a place that is filled with happiness and joy.  I live my life with profound gratitude for what God has placed before me – including and especially for my child with Down syndrome.  

Reagan has a wonderful life.  You only need ask her.

She is valued and values others.

She is loved and loves. 
She gives and receives. 

She learns and she teaches.

She sins and asks forgiveness

She has dreams & desires...

Just like you

Yes, there are challenges and hardships – as with any child.  Isn’t there an element of sacrifice in all loving relationships?

If you are here because you are carrying an unborn child with Down syndrome, let me be your Clarence.  

See that our life is a wonderful life…

…and know that all life is precious.

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