Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pondering Lent

It is hard for me to believe that Lent is upon us!  As I was researching for my yearly Lenten Examination of Conscience I ran across this lovely poem:


Lord, I confess my sin is great:
          Great is my sin. Oh! gently treat
With thy quick flower, thy momentary bloom ;
                    Whose life still pressing
                    Is one undressing,
          A steady aiming at a tomb.
          Man's age is two hours' work, or three;
          Each day doth round about us see.
Thus are we to delights: but we are all
                    To sorrows old,
                    If life be told
          From what life feeleth, Adam's fall.
          O let thy height of mercy then
          Compassionate short-breathed men,
Cut me not off for my most foul transgression:
                    I do confess
                    My foolishness;
          My God, accept of my confession.
          Sweeten at length this bitter bowl,
          Which thou hast pour'd into my soul;
Thy wormwood turn to health, winds to fair weather;
                    For if thou stay,
                    I and this day,
          As we did rise, we die together.

by George Herbert 1593-1633

I am going to use this Lenten Examination of Conscience by Marianne Dorman as a tool for my personal Lenten experience this year.  It is based on the Beatitudes of which I am quite fond.

Do you make this a practice?  What are you using?


DebD said...

I need to ponder Lent more as it approaches. Thanks for your reminder. I have a Lenten devotional put together by an Orthodox priest (the name escapes me at the moment). I'll probably use that.

Sari said...

Thank you Amy for sharing this prayer. Oh how I needed it this morning.


Amy said...

I have found that I love George Herbert. He expresses so well our human condition and our relationship with God. Love (III) is my new favorite!