Saturday, December 1, 2007


As I begin this blog, I wonder what I have to offer the blogosphere. I am not a gifted writer but I feel a call to be here. I am an ordinary stay-at-home mom, living in an ordinary house in an ordinary suburban neighborhood in the Midwest. Sounds rather boring doesn’t it?

Much of my journey has been unconventional. Look at me – an orthodox Anglican, homeschooling teenagers, one with significant special needs. I dare you to find another like me. I’m sure they are there but I’ve yet to meet one – maybe I am not so ordinary!

I’ve often wandered down the road less traveled as I faced the fork in the road. I never failed to find the Lord by my side - His strength to sustain me and give me courage to move forward; His arms to comfort me and give me peace. I’m not afraid to share what I’ve learned along the way so here I am!


Kerry said...

Hi Amy! Thank you for your comment on my blog. I see this is a brand new thing for you, blogging, I mean. Wonderful! I've really enjoyed it the past year or so (the current blog is my second). As a homeschool mom, it has provided me with wonderful intellectual stimulation and a place to express myself. I've added you to my GoogleReader page, so I'll be check in as you post! :) Look at that - your first "regular reader".

Would you share some more about your use of Anglican rosary? I'm pretty new at it, but love it. What types of prayers do you use? You mentioned about intercessory prayer. Do you use your beads for that? If so, can you share a bit about that?


It's nice to "meet" you! And I look forward to reading your blog!

bog new

At A Hen's Pace said...

Hi Amy!

I am also an orthodox Anglican homeschooling mom of teens--and my oldest has high-functioning autism! I also live in the Midwest (a Chicago suburb).

I saw your comment at Kerry's about how you use the rosary, and I am inspired. My husband (a priest) gave me a rosary over a year ago and I've never really tried to figure out what to do with it. The Catholic prayer card it came with seemed kind of advanced for a novice, but you made it sound very doable.

Thanks for sharing!!
