Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

This 1515 Flemish painting by an unknown artist, called The Adoration of the Christ Child, has two (or more) figures with Down syndrome. Look closely at the angel next to Mary and the shepherd above Mary and you will see the characteristic features of individuals with Down syndrome worshiping the newborn Christ child.

I have been blessed with a child with Down syndrome and she worships Jesus with a faith that I can only hope to attain. Last night at our Christmas Pageant, she stood over the baby Jesus dressed as an angel smiling down with a love so pure it radiated light.

Praying the Lord fills your heart with peace, holds you in His love and blesses you with His grace.

1 comment:

At A Hen's Pace said...

It is sad and heartwarming at the same time to read of your "angels." What an amazing painting, too!

Wishing you a most blessed New Year--
