Sunday, February 3, 2008

Lent - Self-Examination and Repentance

So much separates me from the love of God. My sins, though mostly boring and shabby, are uncountable. On Ash Wednesday, we will be reminded that we are dust, and to dust we shall return. Only by His gracious gift, are we given everlasting life. We acknowledge our sins, repent so that we can approach the holy season of Lent with clean hearts.

Many will have made a sacramental confession on Shrove Tuesday and received absolution but this seems to have fallen out of favor. Most seem to prefer the communal rite of confession which some think depersonalizes sin. A sacramental confession is a very effective tool for spiritual growth because of its personal nature as we reconcile our relationship with God.

Self-examination and repentance do not end with the beginning of Lent but continues throughout Lent. In fact, many continue it as a part of a rule of life throughout the year. I grew up in the Roman Catholic church where self-examination and weekly confession were the norm, not the exception.

I have some literature with questions for self-examination that I picked up at church many years ago which can be adapted for all ages which can be used as a guide during this Lenten season.

Me and My Family

How is my relationship with my family? Do we treat one another with love. Am I sensitive to their needs? Do I help them? Do I expect to be the center of attention and have others wait on me?

Me and My Neighbor
How am I at loving the people around me - my friends, my enemies, people to whom I tend to be indifferent, people who are hurting me, people in authority over me? Have I gossiped and lied about people? Am I seeking to create love where there is hatred? Or do I just avoid certain people and situations? Do I apologize when I am wrong? Do I try to make up with others even when I am right or do I just nurse hard feelings?

Me and God
Do I consider god and His will when I make decisions? Have I directed any love toward Him? Do I pray? Read the Bible? Confess my sins? Is God more important to me than success, romance, power, money, popularity, appearance and family?

Me and My Time
What activities most occupy my time? How much of my time is well use? Idly used? Stupidly used? Destructively used?

Me and My Things
How generous am I? Do I give away money and time for good purposes? Is accumulating things or clothes or money at the center of my life? Am I greedy and jealous of what others have?

Me and Myself
Am I honest? Have I stolen, lied or cheated? Have I used drugs or overindulged in alcohol? Have I tried to get others to do these things?

1 comment:

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

This is a thought-provoking post, Amy. Thank you! I will mediating on changes that I need to make.