Friday, February 6, 2009

Cute or What!

Before we came to SE Wisconsin for seminary, I had never seen a black squirrel.

I love to watch the squirrels play in the trees in my backyard. Hubby calls them rodents with tails (doesn't like them much) but I get a sense of delight watching them play.

In case you aren't familiar with them, you can find a little more about black squirrels here

Photo Credit


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Cute!! I've never seen or heard of black squirrels! Our squirrels are red. When I saw a grey one in NH, I went nuts and took a bunch of pictures. Black is way more cool!!

rickismom said...

WOW! I've never seen a black squirell. In Illinois (where I grew up, they were brown. In the rockies (my almost-favorite place in G-d's world, they are stipped (people think they are chipmunks), or brownish red. In Israel we don't really have many at all. (But we jhave other things here.......)

Amy said...

I've lived most of my life in IL so these black squirrels seem exotic to me!