Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Pace

I have always loved an essay by Dennis McGuire, Ph.D, of the Adult Down Syndrome Center of Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois called The Pace. One of the most valuable lessons Reagan (15 y.o. with Down syndrome) has taught me is to slow down and delight in the little things in life. Moving with her, at her pace, brings many new discoveries and joys. She sees the world and delights in it like it is new every day. What a gift!

While Reagan does not have obsessional slowness, an obsessive-compulsive disorder found in some people with cognitive impairments, she does move at her own pace. A pace where she can take in, process and react to her environment.

It is a slower pace. A pace where beauty flows and God is allowed in every moment. In fact, it is about living in the moment. There is a rhythm to it that I had not known before. Its almost magical.

Interestingly enough, I do not talk to her at a slower rate. We do our school work at a very rapid pace so that she does not get bored. Boring is another "B" word (along with brush and bath) around here. If Reagan senses a "B" word, watch out for avoidance behaviors and mild irritation!

Yes, I have know frustration with the pace...and I ask God to forgive me for being so selfish and small. The pace has blessed me abundantly and I am grateful.

So, we pace our days with her - planning a little more time during activities of daily living and outings to allow for her pace. My life is better for it. It lets us see the little things that might otherwise pass us by. Life it so much less stressful at Reagan's pace. The pressure is off and we are free to enjoy.

The pace - one of the many blessings of having a child with Down syndrome.

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