Friday, April 24, 2009

Another Missy Funny

The conversation went like this:

Me: "Its time for your bath."

R (14 y.o. with Down syndrome) scowling: "Don't ever say that 'B' word in front of me again."

Me: "You're too funny, Missy"

R - hands on hips: "I'm not funny - I'm VERY serious. The 'B' word is my enemy."

I'm beginning to see a pattern here as I watch the enemies list grow longer....

Perhaps personal hygiene has become an issue. Nothing that can't be dealt with though.

Oh, and she now hates it when I call her Missy. I guess I'll stop adding fuel to the raging hormonal state fire by using the nickname I've used for her since she was a very sweet newborn.


Barbara Frank said...

Hmmm....maybe there's something in the air. We're seeing an increase in the rebellious attitude around here lately, too.

Of course, the bath argument has been going on for some time. The best way to get him in is to threaten him with a shower instead. He's terrified of showers, and has been for years.

Cute story about Missy, ahem, I mean Miss. R. ;)

Amy said...

She really is pretty easy to deal with too. So far, I just enjoy her being a pretty typical sassy teen :-)

rickismom said...
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rickismom said...

But my teen is pretty sassy too

Janet H said...

We went shoe shopping today. P did not want to try on shoes. He is going through a stage of just saying no.

But at least at this stage of his life, he can be reasoned with somewhat.

Asked if he wanted new shoes. "Yes, mom." To buy new shoes you have to try them on to know if they will hurt your feet. After a while at HIS suggestion, he tried on the shoes.

Janet H

Amy said...

P has had so many times when he had no choices with all his illnesses. I'll bet having choices a wonderful thing for him to experience.

Isn't life is so much better when they reach the stage where we can reason with them!

Monica said...

I just stumbled onto your blog!!! I am a newbie at homeschooling (we started Dec.2008) can't wait to read more!!!

Mrs. Darling said...

Oh how funny. This age is a challenge whether they have Downs or not. We are going through some major hormonal things with Tink. Sensory or teenager. Its sometimes hard to know.

Amy said...

It is hard to know, isn't it? R has some sensory issues but she has definitely hit a new level of fragility these days!

Amy said...

Monica - so glad you stopped by! I'll stop by your blog and get to know your family :)