Saturday, August 6, 2011

Our New Educational "Toy" - iPads and Down Syndrome

For some time I've heard about the advantages the iPad has to offer but the cost was prohibitive. I've wasted invested so much money on educational tools/materials that disappointed me that I did a great deal of research before committing to buy.

And I was still unsure.

Do we really need more technology in our house?

We are surrounded by technology which I find all too tempting. In the time it takes me to write this post, I could have burned 300 calories on the treadmill...

Would this tool be of value to an older child with special needs?

Reagan has great verbal skills. She doesn't need a augmentative communication device. Those with younger children with Down syndrome find the relatively inexpensive AAC app, Proloquo2Go, quite valuable.

Would there be enough apps to make the device worth the cost in our homeschool?

Reagan has the basics down and much of what I had read about apps which are useful in education and Down syndrome were applicable to younger individuals.

But then I read Leah's review of iPad apps on her blog, Garden of Eagan, and I felt a bit more positive.

Then our cell phone provider dropped the price of the original iPad dramatically.

That was all I needed!

Reagan loves her iPad! I've found many apps that are fun learning tools. Many incorporate errorless learning in a way that Reagan finds exciting. I've also found apps which build on her communication skills and grammar.

My favorite apps so far are from the Mobile Education Store. These communication apps are inexpensive and interesting for Reagan.

The math apps available seem endless. There seems to be something for every goal I set!

For a comprehensive list of apps for children with special needs, try these sites:

iPhone and iPad Apps for (Special) Education

Complete Guide to Educational and Special Needs Apps

Looking for an iPad for your child? Fill out an application here. Apps for Children with Special Needs exists to help families who cannot afford an iPad.

You might find other resources for funding at Special Needs Apps for Kids

The rest of the family also makes use of Reagan's iPad. I never thought I would enjoy downloading books and reading them on an electronic device. I so love the feel of reading a real book - but having 26 versions of the Bible (free app) in one place can be useful!

Now, I can take my vacation reading in a suitcase minus the weight of the books.

I love this device too! It has proved to be worth its cost and its value will build over time with new apps developed constantly. I'm sure this investment will not be wasted!



gretchen said...

What a great post! I am considering getting the ipad for Julian who is 14 months old. Which apps would you say are best to start for early language?

Amy said...

Thanks Gretchen!

There are many language building apps! Most are free or there is some nominal charge to purchase. I watch for specials ( take advantage of free offers for the weekend kind of thing.

I didn't spend a lot of time researching early education but I know has some good flashcards organized by category - great for exposure and then for later skills.

I believe there are some flashcard apps for reading too. Are you teaching early reading to Julian? If I had anything to do over, it would be to teach sight words beginning right where you are w/Julian!

Thanks for stopping by!

Jean said...

Good to know! I'm so glad I have found your blog! It is going to be of great value in the years to come.

Amy said...


I'm glad I found you too!

I can't wait to meet your little miracle on the blogosphere!

Smilen Champ said...

My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Reagan is an amazing, person and an inspirational hero. I wish I had an I pad, but we can't afford it, cause my mom and dad spend all their money on my medical bills, and life skill workers, and other stuff like that. I was born with a rare life threatening disease, and developmental delays. I have a leapster Explorer and I love that.

Amy said...

Hi Jenna,

Thank you so much for stopping by! You sound like a courageous young lady!

I found another website that may help with funding for an iPad for you:

Not only is the iPad a great learning tool, it is also a lot of fun!