Monday, January 14, 2008

Prayer for Homeschoolers with Children with Special Needs

I don't know if any of you are familiar with 4:00 a.m. wake-ups but I certainly am. A dear friend of mine told me they come when our lives are so filled with busyness that the Lord finds a time when we are free to listen to His voice.

The Lord gave me this prayer for families homeschooling their children with special needs during one of those 4 a.m. quiet times with Him:

We thank you Father for placing your special children within our care and for trusting us despite our human failings. We seek Your will in training up our children to Your glory. You created our children with special needs in Your image. You reveal yourself to us through Your creation and Your Word. Let us study all you reveal with a discerning mind, seeking wisdom with a grateful heart that allows us to know You and Your plan for our lives.

Specifically we pray...

We always remember to put You first in our lives and lead our children to do the same.

For patience when we are frustrated.

For enthusiasm when teaching the same concept repeatedly.

For creativity in teaching concepts which are difficult.

For hope and strength when learning seems to be at a standstill - knowing that it will occur in Your time. Help us to see the baby steps and rejoice in them.

For positive attitudes when behavior problems overwhelm us.

For wisdom and discernment when making decisions for our children.

For courage to encourage independence as our children make their way in the world.

May we see You in Your special gift to us as we stumble, and occasionally fail, seeking Your will.

For comfort for those who are grieving the loss of a "normal" child and those who struggle with depression or feel overwhelmed as they see Your will for their families.

That we may freely give you our sorrow, anger and grief.

For others who offer an ear, a shoulder, or a discerning heart traveling alongside us in friendship.

For professionals that lend a helping hand in the way of therapies as we educate our children at home. Let us remember that You alone gave them the gifts they use to guide us. Give us a discerning heart and mind to lead us towards those who are homeschool friendly.

For our typical children - that they may come to understand Your will for them as it relates to their "special" sibling.

For our spouses as they journey with us - may we find our hope and strength in You.

As we seek Your will for our precious children and ourselves, we ask for wisdom, strength, courage and discernment. Help us to always see Your loving arms beyond our early shortsightedness.

We delight to do Your will, oh Lord. All glory and honor are Yours - now and forever.



At A Hen's Pace said...

Those are beautiful prayers!!


Amy said...

Thanks Jeanne!

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

That was beautiful, Amy! I don't know how I missed it when I watched the video. I guess it was my teary eyes. :-)