Monday, May 4, 2009

Blogging in the Pink, A Woman's Guide...

Just thought I would let you know I loved the e-book by Michelle Mitchell of Scribbit, Motherhood in Alaska called Blogging the in Pink: A Woman's Guide!

There is so much left unsaid about the blogosphere but Michelle says it all in her book quite clearly and succinctly. I follow several bloggers whose business is to share blogging tips but this book really puts what blogging is all about in one place and gives the big picture in baby steps..and its free! The dos and don'ts alone are priceless

I've printed it out to read again - always a sign of something good in my eyes. Thanks, Michelle, for all your hard work!


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I love the book, too! It has great advice!

Amy said...

Yes, it does!

What do you call it when 2 people are commenting on each other's blog at the same time? There must be a term for it :-)