Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm Back!

Life has been eventful since my last post. I'm so far behind, I may never catch up but I've had a good time getting here! I've put 4700 miles on my car since my last post and don't even want to think about just how much money that might add up to be.

I've visited my parents in southeast Florida - my mom had her hip replaced and was recovering nicely until a blood clot formed in her lower leg. So, recovery is a little delayed while she goes on blood thinners and a few days of complete bedrest. She is in good spirits and taking everything in stride.

I then drove over to the gulf side of Florida and vacationed in my favorite place on earth - Captiva Island, Florida. Captiva is a place where I relax - get refreshed and refueled. The hardest thing I have to do is make it to the beach. I love it! See the gorgeous sunsets below

Then back to Illinois to unpack and repack to travel to Wisconsin for graduation festivities at the seminary my hubby is now attending...and back to Illinois to repack for our trip to the Rockin' Roller Coast. Are you tired yet?

Now, I have to face the house I've ignored for the last nine months and the 1000 posts on my google reader!


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I'm exhausted just reading your post!!!

Welcome back. You've been missed. :o)

Marilyn - A Mixed Bouquet said...

Wow! You have definitely been missed! Just keep the reader until a long boring day when you need something to do. LOL!

Kerry said...

I'm with marilyn. When I come back from an extended break - I have to just "mark all read" in my google reader and move on. :) (Although, sometimes I skim for important "updates" on friends' blogs.)

Glad you are back!

Barbara Frank said...

Glad you had a safe trip and are back home again :)

Renna said...

Amy, if I go just one week of getting behind in my blog reading, I have to practically read around the clock to catch up. If I were you, I'd find a "mark as read" button (like on the Swap) and mark it! ;-)

Your travels sound like fun, and I'm glad your mom is now recovering.

More pictures, please! :-)

At A Hen's Pace said...

So glad you had such a great break. Some things ARE more important than blogging, at times!

Still, it's great that you're back.

What seminary in WI? It's not Nashotah House, is it? Forgive me if you've mentioned it before to me...and just remind me. :) Nashotah's not too far from our new house here in Kenosha!


Amy said...

You all are so kind for missing me!